for baby, roasted butternut and almond butter

This recipe is a treat not only for baby but for mama too! Roasting vegetables not only prepares solid meals for your little one but also contributes to meal prep for you and the rest of the family. My recommendation is to roast extra vegetables when you're roasting the butternut for this recipe, so you can use them later in other dishes. You can roast zucchini, beetroot, peppers, mushrooms, onions, and even broccoli. Once roasted, let them cool and store them in an airtight container to use later in salads, healthy rice bowls, or as a snack with some hummus.

For this recipe, however, the focus is simple. You'll need 100% pure almond butter, a little cinnamon, coconut sugar, and one whole butternut. Simple!

for baby, roasted butternut and almond butter


1 whole butternut

1 teaspoon almond butter

1/2 teaspoon coconut sugar (optional, depending on how sweet your butternut is)

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon


Preheat your oven to 200°C.

Pierce the butternut all over the skin with a fork and place it on a roasting tray.

Roast the butternut in the oven for 40 minutes, or until it’s soft and golden when pierced with a fork. Once soft, remove from the oven and allow it to cool.

Once cooled, slice the butternut in half and remove the seeds. You can either save the seeds for roasting later as a snack with olive oil and salt, or add them to your compost bin.

Scoop out 1/4 of the butternut and mash it in a bowl. Taste it, and if desired, add the coconut sugar and mix it in. Stir in the cinnamon and almond butter.

Save the remaining butternut for your family dinner; mash it with a little salt, pepper, and olive oil.

That’s it! You’re all set to see if your little one loves their new dish!

