
Balinese Gado Gado

Balinese Gado Gado

This dish was inspired by my love of and travels to Bali. This is my take on a very traditional dish and the fun part is that you can change things up when it comes to the vegetables. There is so much wisdom in traditional culture and I hope to honour tradition in some small way through recipes like this. Western culture often considers Eastern medicine and culture as ‘woo woo’ medicine. The truth is wisdom that has been passed down is centuries older than Western medicine and if we just take the time to learn, we can heal. 

Bowls of Bali and the spaces in between, practical tools to aid emotional wellbeing

Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!
Bowls of Bali and why you need to visit!

I have come to realize that I have an obsession with bowls. This might seem fairly obvious because I created an entire cookbook around bowls but… even long after the release of WHOLE - bowl food for balance; guess what? the obsession continues. Maybe it's the comfort that they offer. Maybe the ease of eating. Or perhaps its the fact that the beauty of a bowl is the empty space between its walls and what that space can hold. I wanted to share some of these magnificent bowls from Bali a few of the thoughts that followed capturing them.

These bowls made me think deeper about the body and space in between. The spaces in our bodies and in our lives. How do we fill them? How do we celebrate them? Do we stop to admire how glorious our bodies really are?
With the constant diet culture surrounding us, pushing us to be thinner because well, thinner is celebrated more than overall health and wellbeing. How do we find a moment of stillness to recalibrate what it is that we want? How do we drown out the noise? The noise these days is even bigger than just weight. It's a mental health battlefield for so many on a daily basis. It's not always easy, especially if you are in the woods and can't see beyond your own nose. I've been there. In the dark space where nothing seems to make sense, you aren't sure what you should eat or even how to move your body. You've heard so many thoughts and opinions that now rather than breathing you are riddled with anxiety. Who do you listen to? Who do you trust?

Stop. Take a deep breath. Tune into your intuition.

Your body is a magnificent creation of biological engineering. The universe’s magnum opus. It allows you to get up in the morning and show up for your day. It can chase your children in the garden or hold your lover in its arms. It's something to be celebrated. It can heal itself without you thinking about it. Those are the moments or spaces in between your life that happen because of your body. How often do you scan your body and send it messages of love?

So how do I get myself out of the woods? I thought I would share some practical tools for those bad days where emotionally and physically you just aren't in a good space. I hope it offers light into those dark sticky moments when you wake up and think, how am I going to get through today? Or perhaps that moment when you look in the mirror and your inner-bully pops up telling you your thighs should be smaller. These are the tools that I use for my spaces in between.

When you wake up, before you get out of bed, close your eyes and scan your body. Start at your toes and work your way to your head. Breath. Feel into your body and check in with any sensations you might be having. Are you stiff or perhaps tired? Do you feel energized and well-rested?

After your body scan name three things that you are grateful for today. Is it your beating heart, a roof over your head? Perhaps it is something as simple as the ability to smile. An attitude of gratitude can go a long way. Repeat this daily as often and as much as you can! At first, it might seem difficult but don't worry - it gets easier.

Move your body in a loving way. Moving your body is always a good idea as long as you meet your body where it is at. If all that you can do is a 20-minute walk then you have done well! Walking three to four times a week is wonderful and something to be proud of. Before you know it, endorphins will come and you will feel emotionally lighter. I recommend walking outside, somewhere you can take in nature and feel the sunshine on your skin.

Don't believe everything you think. Remember you are not your thoughts. You are a conscious being having thoughts. Not everything you think is true and certainly not to be believed without question. Attaching to the story can cause a lot of pain. Everyone has a bully in their heads. A bully that sets us up with limiting beliefs and tells us all about our shortcomings. Over and over again.

Meet your bully with humour or strength. It takes practice and it isn't always easy but realising that the proverbial “bully” gains ground through unchallenged toxic thoughts about yourself and that you can and do have the power to change those thoughts can be incredibly motivating to clean up your headspace.

Ground yourself in routine. Whether it is morning routine, evening or your weekly schedule. Finding a routine that works for you will not only ground you but set you up for success. What morning routine do you have? Do you just rush out of bed and spend the rest of the day rushing to crash at night? Do you meditate for five minutes each morning setting your intentions for the day?

Be gentle on yourself. You are doing the best you can with what you have. Fill the spaces in between with people that make you feel good, moments that nourish you and healthy whole real food. Preferably in a bowl!


Diving Bali - Nusa Penida

Diving Bali - Nusa Pinada
Diving Bali - Nusa Pinada
Diving Bali - Nusa Pinada
Diving Bali - Nusa Pinada
Diving Bali - Nusa Pinada
Diving Bali - Nusa Pinada
Diving Bali - Nusa Pinada
Diving Bali - Nusa Pinada
Diving Bali - Nusa Pinada
Diving Bali - Nusa Pinada

Diving to me is the ultimate form of mindfulness. I think because you are silent and you have no choice but to be right where you are. You are focused on your breath, your body, and your environment. The environment just happens to be under hundreds of tons of water in an alien landscape where you are the guest and the vibrant creatures of the ocean your host. For as long as I can remember, my dream has been this, to dive with Giant Manta Rays. These animals can get a wingspan of up to 5.5 meters and are placid gentle giants that glide underwater as if they are flying.

Getting to Nusa Penida can be done by fast or local boats off the coast of Bali. The most popular port to get a boat from is Sanur. If you use the fast boat the ride is about 30-40 minute depending on the swell. You can get tickets online or at the harbour. I recommend online because it just makes life easier and the boats can fill up rather quickly.

Approaching Nusa Penida looks like approaching the tropical island of Jurassic Park. With jagged cliffs and towering palm trees, the island looks like a movie scene. Once safely in the harbour, we arranged with Sanctum diving to collect us. They were going to do so by car which is a quick drive from the harbour but in the end, we rented scooters and made our way there following our guide. It was quicker and much less painful than sitting in the heat on the back of a pickup truck as we ended up in unexpected traffic due to a school parade.

I went to Nusa for one reason, in fact, I went to Bali for one reason. That reason was to see the Giant Manta Ray. To chase the dream of diving under the water with them and be in awe of their beauty. Sadly due to the traffic, we were late and unable to get out to the cleaning station with the dive boat. It seemed all odds were against me. First an earthquake, then a full boat, then traffic! The cleaning station is a dive where you are almost guaranteed to see Giant Manta Ray and not being able to get there felt like a major blow to my excitement. So we decided to dive one of the other points also popular with these gorgeous beasts.

Together with Ben and Lauren (my adventure buddies for the day), we had our first dive, desperately searching everywhere underwater to find them. These giant black flying fish were nowhere to be seen. I let it go and lost myself in all the other creatures of the ocean. 40 minutes into the dive I made peace that it just wasn't my time to see them. First the earthquake and then no Manta ray. Bali wasn't going to give me all I had hoped for. But then it happened. As soon as I let go I received. Perhaps there is a lesson there...

I turned around and over my head flew a Giant Manta Ray. I was so happy I think you could hear the screams of joy under the water. Out of nowhere came another - I turned to Ben and there he was shooting away taking these beautiful images of me and my dream come true. I could see Lauren in absolute awe and the energy the three of us shared is something that I will remember forever. I saw the giant Manta Rays of Bali. Although brief, I had my moment. A moment with an animal that is so majestic it leaves you speechless. Nusa Penida - it was a day trip which was way too short, I will have to return!

My hope is that the world over will see that the oceans are a magnificent breathing living being that needs to be protected from us! Below I have linked two organizations that are doing amazing work locally in Bali. If you have the time - hop on over and read up on them. Perhaps even donate. The oceans need us.

My vow this year is to use even less plastic in my life - it just ends up in the oceans and affects these amazing animals. It serves no purpose but to harm. Refusing the straw is great but the problem is much bigger than that. Single-use razors, plastic bags, and bottles are some of the plastic items used every day that end up in our beautiful oceans. Think twice before you use plastic and ask yourself, can I make a change?


p.s thank you Benj for the pictures

The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali

The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali

I stumbled upon The Yoga Barn by chance. One of my followers sent me a message telling me that if I found myself in Ubud, a spiritual village nestled in the mountains of Bali, that I better head there because I would love it! Well, I am obsessed and will return.

Tucked away in the centre of town is a lush green, calming and beautiful property called The Yoga Barn. Centred around Yoga and Ayurveda this property is filled with all that you could ask for to the point that I didn't want to leave for a few days. It is silent and peaceful, you feel like you can exhale the second you walk in. Next time I visit I will definitely look into the accommodation that they offer and stay there as a retreat for a few days of Yoga and healthy eating.

The property has several cafes and juice stands which makes healthy eating so easy. I was pleasantly surprised at how affordable the food is and how tasty each meal was. Offering an Ayurvedic menu along with other healthy options that are plant-based, the cafes work together with the healers and ayurvedic doctors that also have rooms on the property. This means that you can see the practitioners and then follow their detox by getting the food at the cafe and stay in comfort. It is the perfect all in one offering. Easy, simple and delicious. The cafes are also open to the public so you can pop in even if you aren't catching a yoga class.

The Yoga Barn offers several options for Yoga and each class is different. You can choose a more advanced flow class or bring it back home with a beautiful Yin class by candlelight. Classes run throughout the day and I recommend popping onto their website or visiting them once you arrive at the Yoga Barn to book your classes. Whether sound healing or meditation is your thing you will find it there. It's like a cocoon of spiritual happiness.

The teachers are from all over the world and each class is longer than your normal 60 minutes in the city. Averaging 90 minutes. Allowing time for play and personal instruction. The venue is enclosed by nature and filled with yogis from all walks of life. I managed my first headstand with proper instruction and learned how important it is to trust myself. A rather big lesson I hope to carry on in my day to day life.

I got an appointment with a cranial sacral therapist who shed some light on my healing journey with Pcos. I highly recommend treating yourself to an appointment with a healer. It's a very precious self-love gift that can help you look deeper into your journey and understand more of yourself. Joining a sound healing class afterward by candlelight with the frogs chirping was perfection.

I am already planning my return to be honest. I dream of Ubud and most defiantly The Yoga Barn.


My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali

This year sure has been a wild one. It included my cookbook launch along with some serious overseas adventures in Bali and Dubai.

Bali was honestly one of the most beautiful places I have ever experienced and to be honest, I haven't even begun to explore all it has to offer and I can guarantee that I will return to this little slice of heaven! The people are humble and kind and the environment thick, lush and tropical with warm balmy air. And don’t get me started on the spectacular food! As you can well imagine I ate my way through Bali one glorious cafe at a time. With most of the island being vegan and offering up healthy snacks and treats I felt like free-reign was essential to getting the full experience.

So here is one of the first blog posts from my trip and a little information on where you can go feast while soaking in the good vibrations of Bali.

We flew into Denpasar airport and took a cab (which should cost you no more than R250) straight through to Canngu. Canggu is a little surfers village on the west coast of Bali. Filled with gorgeous cafes that have well thought out interior and more often than not an extensive healthy menu that is made up of fresh colourful foods and smoothies. Be patient in the cab on the way from the airport as traffic is crazy and although the journey isn’t far it can take over an hour to get there as the roads are small in Bali.

If you are traveling on a budget I would say that the cafes are very well priced. You can get a meal for R80 ($6) however, if you want to change it up and go to a local warung which is a home restaurant run by the locals then you can get an amazing fresh meal for R20 - R50 ($3) Do make sure you experience a Warung as the food is fresh and delicious and you are supporting local which is always wonderful!

In no specific order here are the cafes I visited and loved!

Crate Cafe:

This little hipster cafe was my welcome to Bali spot. It has a simple industrial concrete decor with a menu that offers a wide variety of healthy smoothies, smoothie bowls and hearty dishes such as fluffy quinoa and perfect poached eggs. It fills up quickly so I would visit earlier in the day if you want to get a space. You order at the counter and most meals cost roughly R50. Which was brilliant value for money and some would argue the best breakfast in Canggu. The food was fresh and tasty. You can also order coconuts everywhere you go so make sure to try them. They are great for hydration and taste like heaven! The coffee was on point but don’t take my word for it! Make sure you pop around to this institution.

My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali

The Avocado factory

I mean who doesn’t love avocados toast? If you do then I have found your mecca. This little spot has a full menu designed around the glorious food that is avocado! With Avocado roses coming out of the kitchen on all dishes it was easy to fall in love with the food before we even ate it! A little more pricer than most cafes for breakfast however, if you have the spend in your budget then dig in and enjoy! The dishes are served on white plates making each one pop with colour! Not to mention the avocado toast was heavenly and combined with fresh elements such as sugar snaps. Yum! The branded coconuts didn’t go a miss either, its all in the detail.

My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali

Made famous on Instagram Nalu Bowls is a little cafe situated not 500m from the beach front of Canggu. If you find them on instagram you will get lost in the world of perfect smoothie bowls that are so beautiful you won’t want to eat them. Unless you are me. They are filled with fresh fruits and made fresh to order. The wait can take long so get there before you are hangry, it is well worth it!

My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali

Catch a bite at the local Warung. These are spots that have been set up in the front of a local families house. The kitchen is at the back and they have turned it into a family business. The offer a wide variety of fresh vegetables, noodles and of course rice. Try the red rice as this was my favourite and I am convinced a meal on its own. Nasi-goreng (fried rice) and Mie-Goreng (fried Noodles) are the famous local dishes and you have to try them to experience authentic food. This was our favourite way of eating as it was super affordable, you get a large variety and it is freshly made every day! Plus you are supporting local families.

My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali

The Shady Shack

Ok so get ready to have the worlds best chocolate smoothie - yes I said it. It was simply mind blowing delicious and the best part? It had natural probiotics in it. So not only will you fill you belly with happy flora but you will send your taste buds into chocolate heaven. The rest of the food is just as utterly scrumptious and is completely vegetarian and healthy. They make yummy smoothie bowls however I dug deep into their full house style breakfasts with eggs. They also stock Ubud RAW which is a chocolate brand making healthy chocolate treats with local organic cacao. Whats not to love?

My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali

Rise and Shine was my standard go to veggie breakfast bowl with delicious sourdough toast topped with avo! A utterly delicious carefully made breakfast that was well thought out and very filling. Space is limited so make sure you get there early or be ready to wait for a table as it is very popular. They also offer coffee that was sublime. I might or might not have lost myself in several coconut milk piccolos for the morning. Resulting in Lauren needing to keep up with my Caffeine high!

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My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali

This Vegan emporium will leave you mind blown at what you can achieve sans meat. Meet Peloton Supershop. A cafe that offers a full vegan experience from burgers to tacos and non of it will make you long for their meat counter part. Coupled with a bicycle store this spot is all about the environment which means I am all about it. The menu is extensive and you will find something for every occasion. The menu was created together with Indonesian/Australian vegan and foodie Lauren Camilleri. The food is colourful and the hardest part is deciding on one dish. Which I couldn’t do so I ordered 3. It’s a problem! A must visit vegan or not! The interior is industrial meets vintage and the staff are always happy to help!

My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali

Cafe Vida - Im not sure what I was more in love with, the extensive list of healthy elixirs or the wide variety of chocolate and sweet treats that were made from raw healthy chocolate. This establishment is housed inside a balinese authentic home and is filled with the smell of coffee and you can soak up the culture while you feast. The smoothie bowls were my favourite in Canggu. Topped with bee pollen and seed mix they were perfectly balanced in their fruit to super food ratio. The menu is well thought out and offers one of the widest varieties of herbal tea I have seen! It was so good, I went back twice!

My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali
My Canggu breakfast cafe guide - Bali

Canggu is filled with hip and happening cafes around every busy or quiet corner. I only got to small handful and wish I got to so much more. The one thing I do know is that this little surfing village prides itself on the quality of the cafes and you can’t really go wrong because exploring is part of the adventure. If you find yourself in Bali, be brave, take a shot left and try something new. You will most probably fall in love with it. This list is just my experience and I hope you will go out there and make your own!

Happy Eating!