
fresh infused waters


There is one thing I know for sure hydration is key. You can dress it up any way you would like but water truly is the wine of the gods. This being said I know I never drink enough water. Especially come winter and its freezing cold.

I spent the day cooking with a dear friend of mine sharing recipes when we got chatting about the lack of hydration in my life. She suggested I give these combinations of flavored waters a try. We made them early in the morning and photographed them then got to cooking. That evening when we were done we realised we hadn't had any water the whole day! The irony was all a bit much. Needless to say having had the day to infuse with their amazing flavours these waters were a major success and beyond delicious.

I can assure you that if all your waters looked and tasted this good you would be gulping them by the gallons! They are so easy to make and you can get completely creative. I will of course let you know what combinations we used but below are a list of fresh ingredients you can use and what health benefits they have 

Berries: these little jewels are huge anti oxidants that help your body fight free radicals caused by stress. Getting rid of them can stop major illness in the body!

Ginger: this marvelous ingredient has several health properties. It is a wonder in treating nausea and morning sickness, it can lower your risk of heart disease, aid exercise induced muscles pain and menstrual pain and it can even aid digestion. Just to name a few! 

Mint: can aid ingestion or an upset stomach and its wonderful flavour can be combined with most other fresh ingredients 

Lemon: high in vitamin c this citrus fruit is amazing for colds, rejuvenating skin cells and can even aid weight loss. 

Pomegranate: this amazing fruit is known as an antioxidant rich fruit. The seeds are sweet and wonderful to add to anything. You can also put them into your ice tray and make pomegranate ice. It looks beautiful and is so healthy for you! 

Cucumber: these amazing fruits-yes I said fruit is filled with multiple vitamins B such as B1 B5 and B7. It can aid in reducing anxiety and stress and so very good for digestion. 

Lemon grass: don't be fooled by its hard exterior, once cut and its flavours release. Lemon grass is wonderful for stomach ache, high blood pressure and can aid rheumatism. 

I have used several ingredients in different combinations and amount. Play around with them and with the fruits that are in season. The longer you leave them to infuse the better they taste. if you use fresh ingredients the flavours are even stronger and most of the time all you need to do is top up on the water before the fruit goes off. 

so here are the combinations I’ve used: 

•   Pomegranate, mint and orange 

•   Cucumber, mint and lemon

•   Lemon grass, ginger and mint 

•   Lime mint and berries (strawberry, blackberry and raspberries)

You can add any fruit that you like from oranges and limes, cinnamon and apple even pineapple and rosemary!

Just chop them up to release all the flavours and add them to your water jugs. Let them stand in the fridge for a few hours or even over night! 

Keeping hydrated is good for your digestion, hangover, skin and so much more-so drink up!  
