health and wellness

The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali

The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali
The Yoga Barn - Ubud Bali

I stumbled upon The Yoga Barn by chance. One of my followers sent me a message telling me that if I found myself in Ubud, a spiritual village nestled in the mountains of Bali, that I better head there because I would love it! Well, I am obsessed and will return.

Tucked away in the centre of town is a lush green, calming and beautiful property called The Yoga Barn. Centred around Yoga and Ayurveda this property is filled with all that you could ask for to the point that I didn't want to leave for a few days. It is silent and peaceful, you feel like you can exhale the second you walk in. Next time I visit I will definitely look into the accommodation that they offer and stay there as a retreat for a few days of Yoga and healthy eating.

The property has several cafes and juice stands which makes healthy eating so easy. I was pleasantly surprised at how affordable the food is and how tasty each meal was. Offering an Ayurvedic menu along with other healthy options that are plant-based, the cafes work together with the healers and ayurvedic doctors that also have rooms on the property. This means that you can see the practitioners and then follow their detox by getting the food at the cafe and stay in comfort. It is the perfect all in one offering. Easy, simple and delicious. The cafes are also open to the public so you can pop in even if you aren't catching a yoga class.

The Yoga Barn offers several options for Yoga and each class is different. You can choose a more advanced flow class or bring it back home with a beautiful Yin class by candlelight. Classes run throughout the day and I recommend popping onto their website or visiting them once you arrive at the Yoga Barn to book your classes. Whether sound healing or meditation is your thing you will find it there. It's like a cocoon of spiritual happiness.

The teachers are from all over the world and each class is longer than your normal 60 minutes in the city. Averaging 90 minutes. Allowing time for play and personal instruction. The venue is enclosed by nature and filled with yogis from all walks of life. I managed my first headstand with proper instruction and learned how important it is to trust myself. A rather big lesson I hope to carry on in my day to day life.

I got an appointment with a cranial sacral therapist who shed some light on my healing journey with Pcos. I highly recommend treating yourself to an appointment with a healer. It's a very precious self-love gift that can help you look deeper into your journey and understand more of yourself. Joining a sound healing class afterward by candlelight with the frogs chirping was perfection.

I am already planning my return to be honest. I dream of Ubud and most defiantly The Yoga Barn.


Stepping into Summer with Maaji and Colourbox

Stepping into Summer with Maaji and Colourbox
Stepping into Summer with Maaji and Colourbox
Stepping into Summer with Maaji and Colourbox
Stepping into Summer with Maaji and Colourbox
Stepping into Summer with Maaji and Colourbox
Stepping into Summer with Maaji and Colourbox
Stepping into Summer with Maaji and Colourbox

Swimwear and active wear is always a challenging conversation with self. I always have the question of, “do I want a full piece”(which in my head probably looks better) or “Shall I get a bikini”(that I love wearing more) but that can leave me feeling slightly more self-conscious. Will the pants split when I do yoga or is the fabric thick enough to not perish.

I’m always on the hunt for the ultimate swimwear/activewear destination and thanks to Colourbox I have found the perfect fit. Not only is the shopping experience unparalleled with the fitting experience and attention to detail but it is also the ultimate luxury resort wear destination which includes amazing brands such as Moses sandals, Mr Boho Sunglasses and Maaji swimwear and active wear. Bringing you the latest and greatest from top international and local lifestyle brands, Colourbox is your one-stop fashion and lifestyle destination. Since inception, it has been the express mission of Colourbox to source only the most colourful, comfortable and above all, unique items that not only look and feel fabulous, but also enhance the vibrant and free-spirited energy of today’s discerning fashion-lover.

With my shopping hat on, I decided to try both the bikini and the full piece costumes. Did I mention that both are fully reversible? With bright and beautiful patterns and a unique style in shape on all tops you are bound to find the perfect fit for your body that leaves you feeling secure, comfortable and beautiful. It’s always in the detail right down to the way the bottoms don’t cut into your skin due to the double lining and stitching. A more comfortable swimwear line I have yet to discover. The sizing guide and online shopping experience is smooth and easy but if not you can always visit one of their stores. Just make sure you are aware that you will probably blow your budget! 

Mr Boho is a fun and fresh Italian sunglasses range that has an exciting summer collection that includes colour rimmed glasses. To be honest whilst trying them on; I had a flash of seeing myself in a cobble stoned courtyard eating gelato in Italy. Perhaps colourbox is not only the ultimate resort wear luxury range but also the ultimate inspiration to get that ticket out of here. The thing I loved the most about the range is that they are the type of sunglasses that look good on almost everyone! 

Every good holiday in my mind has some fun activities. Be it yoga or hiking you are going to need the attire and again, Colourbox to the rescue. From sports bras to leggings they have something for everyone. I love that the leggings are high waisted making me feel like I can go securely into any yoga pose without fear of revealing a little too much. The patterns are bold and beautiful which are representative of the brands origin in Brazil. 

They say these boots are made for walking but they haven’t heard of Moses sandals. With a vanilla smell and a wide range of colours these babies are my official favourite shoe and if the shoe fits, buy it in every colour. Which is the plan. They are so comfortable that I wore them every day in Bali and they haven’t left my feet since. I think I might have developed attachment issues to them. If you don’t have a pair then you are missing out and yes, they are the best Christmas present you will find either for yourself or a loved one! They come from Israel which again leaves me thinking of walking the old city of Jerusalem eating baklava in the Arab quarter and putting my wish in the western wall. 

So thank you to colourbox. Not only do I have the best arsenal for any holiday destination but I also have the wildest wanderlust a girl can think of. Visit their site and get shopping. I’m sure they will inspire you to do the same!


How moving my body for an hour a day has changed my life!

how moving my body for an hour a day has changed my life

I never used to be the type of person who LOVED exercise. You know, the type of person who wakes up at 5 am to be at the gym while the birds are still waking up. The type of person to push weights and run far and fast. It's just not for me. For most of my twenties, I spent a lot of time trying to be a 5 am'er and then beating myself up when I failed at being one. This resulted in me not exercising and making a million excuses as to why I can't. I also have the luck of being a competitive person. Not necessarily with someone else but with myself. This meant in my head that I was supposed to be the way I was in high school. I would keep referring to my "back in the day fitness" There was only one problem. My "back in the day fitness" was way gone and so was my perspective. Being 30 is not being 25 and being 25 isn't 16. I'm sure a few you of can relate. You look back and it feels like yesterday hence your body should be where your mind thinks it's at. It was all a big mess and to be honest just resulted in me failing. Time and time again. 

A year ago I moved to Sea Point. An area of Cape Town which is a stone's throw from the promenade. A gorgeous stretch of walkway that runs for kilometers along the shoreline. It's super inspiring because so many people are walking, running and generally getting fit. I realized because I lived so close - literally a block away that I no longer had an excuse. I tried. I found a million reasons as to why I shouldn't or couldn't. Sometimes I would even hit the prom and run. Then be in pain afterward and not do anything for two weeks even though my body clearly couldn't handle it. Eventually, something had to give. 

So I made myself a promise. A promise that for one hour a day I would just move my body. It didn't have to be with running, weights and at 5 am in the morning. It has to be on my terms. It was the only way I was going to succeed. So I found myself a pilates studio and I started with pilates. I committed to finding strength and alignment. To lay the foundations of fitness because let's get real, after years of not exercising it was all gone and I needed to start at the beginning. Coupled with the pilates I walked. I hit the prom and I just put one foot in front of another. Before I knew it a few weeks had gone by. I then started doing Yoga and more cardio building exercises. I then joined FITKEY (an amazing app) and started moving my body more based on what I felt it needed. Again there were rules. They were the following and I hope you can take something away from them. They certainly helped me find my way and still do today. They have become my mantras and my guidance to gaining strength and fitness. 

1- Show up. No matter what time suits you or what you have to do, show up. Take the time to see where you can fit your exercise into your schedule and do it. Put your running shoes on and get out the door before you come up with excuses on how to fail yourself. Honour that time slot for you because you are worthy of it. It is practicing self love. A critical important practice for all of us! 

2- Go slowly. It doesn't mean you are a failure if all you can do is go slowly. Your pace is all that matters. Be kind to yourself for how you are doing it because you already accomplished step 1. You showed up. 

3- Be gentle with yourself. This isn't about perfection and you don't have to get it right every single time. All you have to do is persevere and take it one day at a time. Before you know it a week will have gone by and you moved your body for an hour a day. It will add up. I promise.

4- Don't compare yourself to others. It is the death of joy. Just because your friends can go to a sweat 1000 class and run at full pace, doesn't mean you have to. Meet yourself where you are at and know that you are doing the best that you can. With time, you will run your own marathon. 

5- Keep swimming. There are going to be days where you will be tired and there are going to be days where your mind is tired. Know the difference. I believe you need to honour your body and know when to take a rest. I also believe that you need to push past the initial pain and not reward yourself for it. It is going to be hard in the beginning if your body isn't used to it. That is where the mental game comes in. Push past the pain and keep moving! You can do it!  

6- Be consistent. It doesn't help if you go to 4 yoga classes then you don't do anything for two weeks. Consistency is key and you will soon feel the difference. You build fitness with building blocks as you would a house, lay the foundations first. 

7- Take the time to get to know your body and what it is about. There is a lot of noise out there with people telling you what you should and shouldn't be doing. Your body knows best. If you are doing something and it hurts, back off and stop doing it. If it doesn't then keep going. Not all exercise is for everyone. I certainly know that ballistic exercise isn't my thing and I prefer walking and yoga. But that is me, you decide for you. Don't do it because of someone else's story or because you think you have to. 

8- Find your groove with your move! What moves you? Do you like being up early? Do you like calm exercise or a military muscle man shouting at you to go faster? Do you want to swim or walk? Find what makes you happy. Moving your body should be something to celebrate. It is a privilege not everyone has. Don't make celebrating your body a chore and something you dread. It really will make the process so much easier if you connect with this and do what works. 

9- Stop beating yourself up. Whether it is with the food that you have eaten or the walk that was slower than you wanted. You are not going to succeed by bullying yourself. Coulda shoulda woulda, the past is the past. Whatever wasn't 'right' just move on and try better the next day. You have got this! 

10- Be your biggest cheerleader. You can do this. You can move your body for one hour a day. You are a wonderful human being that has a beating heart and breathing lungs. You have two feet that can move and arms that can lift. You are made of stardust! So go and celebrate that! 
