This recipe is a treat not only for baby but for mama too! Roasting vegetables not only prepares solid meals for your little one but also contributes to meal prep for you and the rest of the family.
This dish was inspired by my love of and travels to Bali. This is my take on a very traditional dish and the fun part is that you can change things up when it comes to the vegetables. There is so much wisdom in traditional culture and I hope to honour tradition in some small way through recipes like this. Western culture often considers Eastern medicine and culture as ‘woo woo’ medicine. The truth is wisdom that has been passed down is centuries older than Western medicine and if we just take the time to learn, we can heal.
Matcha is made from green tea and comes in powder form. It is naturally high in antioxidants and can boost brain function because it contains L-theanine, which also supports sleep. Matcha also relieves stomach pain and supports digestion. With matcha being naturally high in caffeine, it is something that I include in my mornings and avoid in the evening.
This is a feast that creates an interactive space with food. It allows you to share what you have created and gives those who you share it with an immersive food experience by assembling their own meal. Encourage them to take a deep breath and the time to assemble a beautiful plate. We eat with our eyes first and creating a meal that is visually appealing can not only create excitement, but ultimately leads to deeper satisfaction. As always, the energy you put into your meal when cooking and assembling it is the energy which you will consume.