Sweet potato and Acai smoothie bowl

Sweet potato and Acai smoothie bowl
Sweet potato and Acai smoothie bowl
Sweet potato and Acai smoothie bowl
Sweet potato and Acai smoothie bowl
Sweet potato and Acai smoothie bowl

Guilty as charged! I promised you guys more recipes and to be honest, with the launch of my cookbook WHOLE - bowl food for balance, it has been crazy! I am hoping that this insanely delicious smoothie makes up for it. If you haven't shopped my book yet then click here to get your hands on a copy! 

As you guys know I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) This is an endocrine disease that stops me from having a regular cycle. I used to feel really ashamed about sharing it with others. However, I have since learned that 8-10% of females at childbearing age have it. I have also learned along the path of discovering my health that it is a solvable problem through healthy eating and lifestyle changes. 

It can be overwhelming when you look at the whole picture and you have so many people telling you what not to eat and what to eat. I have learned that the only way I am going to succeed is to make one small change a day or even in a month. All the little changes eventually add up and before you know it you will be leading a healthier lifestyle. 

This smoothie bowl is unique because I recently discovered that banana isn't ideal for me to be having as someone with PCOS because it is higher in sugar and sugar triggers hormonal acne. It's not to say a banana is bad. It's just to say that it isn't necessarily good for me as an individual right now. The problem is though, is that I love creamy smoothies. I mean duh, who doesn't. I went down the rabbit hole to find out what solution and I found it. Steamed sweet potato. Yes, you heard me. I steam it, then I freeze it, then I blend it and it is glorious! It makes the smoothies super decadent and delicious and it doesn't overpower the flavours. It's a healthy carb and a great kick starter to my day! I steam the sweet potato then I freeze it placed out on a baking tray so that it doesn't stick together. Once frozen I add them to a freezer safe Tupperware.

If you do this you end up with at least a weeks worth of supply and you can give the bananas a break. Try it and see how you feel. Does your body love it or not so much? It's about listening to what works for you. For now, I am on a mission to make as many small changes as I can in order to achieve normal health and hormonal balance! 


1 1/2 steamed and frozen sweet potato (about 2 cups) – white or orange sweet potato
1 cup of frozen berries of your choice (I used blueberries) 
1 teaspoon acai
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1/2 ripe avocado
1 serving of pea protein powder or protein powder of your choice
2 majool dates, pitted
1 tablespoon of almond butter + extra for drizzling on top
1/4 cup almond milk, you can add more if needed. 

toppings all optional:

chia seeds
sliced banana
almond butter
pumpkin seeds
sunflowers seeds


Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Decorate with toppings and serve! 
