When I was 17 I was diagnosed with PCOS. Polycystic ovarian syndrome. I had never had a regular menstrual cycle and was plagued by the anxiety of not knowing when that time of the month would arrive.
With this as my biggest concern, my mother took me to my first gynea visit. They did blood tests and confirmed that I had PCOS. The solution? To go onto oral contraception that would regulate my hormones and let me know when my period was going to arrive.
PCOS is a disease that is confirmed with blood result and visiting an endocrinologist. It is when the ovary doesn’t ovulate correctly due to a lack of progesterone and elevated oestrogen. The side effects include acne, male pattern hair growth - yes hair on your chin, weight gain, insulin resistance and early heart disease to name a few.
At the age of 17 getting this as a diagnosis left me in shock. It was then topped off with the fact that I would not be able to naturally conceive a child. Not that I wanted children at that age but I wanted a choice!
Scared and confused at my bodies betrayal I accepted my fate of a lifetime of oral contraception. The only problem was that my intuition hated the idea. At a tender age, I hushed my inner voice and did what the doctor said. Surely doctors know best?
I spent the next 12 years of my life dealing with whatever came up with another pill that was the so-called solution to what I was experiencing. I was put into roacutane for my skin and Glucophage for my insulin. I took the pills as I was told. Why? Because having diabetes and acne is scary. I lost trust in my bodies ability to function.
I did laser for my hair growth (and still do) and attempted every fad diet under the sun to move my stubborn weight. It was this constant dance between binge eating and starving myself of all carbs under the sun. I ate sugar and didn’t give the connection between food and body much thought.
Some of it worked and mostly none of it worked. I felt confused and angry at my body. Why couldn’t it just work like everyone else’s? Why did I have to take a pill every day like I was broken?
Fast forward to the present. My career moved into food and my life in the direction of becoming a certified holistic health coach. As the universe would have it I started to do research on my internal health (especially when I wrote WHOLE - bowl food for balance) and started realising that there is another way. I discovered The Women Code by Alisa Vitti along with mindful eating and balance. The book is centred around female reproductive organs and endocrine health. All of a sudden the pieces of the puzzle started to come together.
The penny dropped. If I focused on getting healthy; If I focused on balancing my blood sugar, making sure my liver was healthy and not overloaded if I healed my gut and made sure my digestion was good then all the inflammation in my system would go down. And if I supported my body from the outside with chemical-free friendly products then my endocrine system wouldn’t be inflamed. And if it wasn’t inflamed I could go into remission with PCOS. What? Yes, you read it correctly. Remission. This means no heart disease, weight trouble, acne and vanished periods. And for those out there trying to fall pregnant - the possibility of conceiving a beautiful miracle - naturally without any drugs!
I had to do it, and so I did.
I changed my diet. I changed my lifestyle and I changed my outlook. Every little bit of change not only made me feel better but helped me toward my goal. My goal of balanced hormones, clear skin and regular periods.
I can proudly say that I have just finished my 11th natural menstrual cycle where I can feel my body and it feels amazing. I’m not saying birth control is bad. It has its place and is a women’s right whether she chooses it or not. However, for me, it never felt right. My intuition warned me that there was another way and there is. My body has the ability to heal itself. The question is how far are you willing to go to heal?
So what did I change? What did I do? What would I recommend?
These are the questions I get the most. So I thought I would share the top points here.
It was a dedicated long journey that’s taken almost a year to feel normal. To break past my acne and irregular cycles. I am not a doctor; I am simply sharing my story in the hope that it will make you question yours. The one thing I can tell you is that it has been the single biggest act of self-love. To take my life, my health and my period back. You don’t have to get all the below perfect by tomorrow. It’s a journey. Healthy eating and living takes practice. It’s like a muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets. Be patient and kind to yourself. You aren’t going to get it all right and just come off the pill and be cured. I also did what I did in the knowledge of my Gynea. Who fully supported it under supervision.
Top Tips to heal Pcos
Cleaning up my diet.
Whether you like it or not changing your health means changing your diet. By changing it - I mean taking it seriously and under your control and making sure that everything that you eat is aiding you.
You can choose to view it as a negative diet or you can choose to look at it as medicine that is healing you from the inside out. I chose the latter and it made the journey so much easier. The journey is about taking the time to listen to your body and find out what works for you. Each of us is bio individually unique and what works for one person might not work for the next. I will share below what I cut out and what I focused on eating. These are the foods that helped my healing journey.
Cutting out:
Coffee - yes you read correctly. So many people seem utterly shocked when I share this fact.
Even a cup of coffee in the morning. Coffee fires the adrenal glands and can cause your cortisol to elevate. This is an inflammatory hormone that can wreak havoc on your internal system. With busy stressful lives, most of us reach for coffee in the morning. This just aids the cycle and causes us to be tired again later on. I decided to address the cause of my tiredness and stress rather than reaching for coffee giving my adrenal glands space to heal and rest. This needs to be a top priority in the healing journey. Resting the adrenal glands and nourishing them.
Gluten, white/processed bread - the only gluten I incorporated was the occasional slice of artisanal sourdough bread in the morning with smashed avocado because it worked for me. For others it might not.. Processed food is unhealthy and filled with chemicals. Gluten can cause stomach pains and bloat. How does it sit with your body? If you want to heal, cut it out for a month and see how you feel. It made a huge difference to my body and to my blood sugar/insulin levels. Insulin can spike if you eat white processed bread and spiked insulin contributes to PCOS.
Soy + Corn - Soy can interfere with your hormone levels and corn can spike your insulin.
Sugar - we all know the awful truth about sugar. Sugar causes inflammation in the system contributing to PCOS. It will worsen your symptoms in every way possible and can cause bloat and an array of negative symptoms. Pay attention to hidden sugars and always read your labels and check the ingredients. Sugar, dextrose and fructose are just some of the ways they hide sugar in store-bought food. If you have to read the label you probably shouldn’t eat it. An apple doesn’t come with a health claim or label.
Alcohol - yes that includes the glass of wine when you get home. Remember that this doesn’t mean forever and it is also not about perfection. If you happen to have one glass of wine release the guilt and move on. Focus on healing. Once your body has healed it is more primed to handle alcohol from a position of health. Now that I have healed I focus on never more than two drinks and I stay away from sugary sodas and mixes.
High sugar fruits such as mango and banana. I steamed sweet potato and zucchini for my smoothies and then froze the pieces. They made my smoothies thick and creamy without the use of banana etc.
Added sugars (yes, even honey)
Meat not sourced from quality suppliers. I also cut red meat for the better part.
If I eat a lot of red meat I feel sluggish and heavy. Lean meat can be included in a PCOS friendly diet. It is up to your body. Just make sure you are buying top quality meat and not mass produced store bought meat. Ethical and free range is the only way. Eating meat is a personal journey and each individual is unique.
Egg - this comes down to your bio-individuality. Some people report feeling foggy after eggs. As for me? I have about 1-2 free-range eggs a week and it worked perfectly for my body.
Dairy - Yes that means cheese. Again I was very strict in the beginning of the journey and now I follow a 90/10% rule. Dairy has added hormones and mass produced dairy is not good for you. The chemicals and hormones are endocrine disruptors and aren’t good for you. Cut it out and see how you feel. personally, I have never felt better and don’t miss dairy in my diet.
Foods to include and focus on: