Salad jars for on the run

Finding a daily routine is important and will set you up for success. Why? Because routine offers us structure and when achieved it creates a positive and healthy headspace. For example, bringing in routine when making work lunches means you will have healthy meals at work that don’t leave you stressed or in the queue at the coffee shop ordering something sugary and unhealthy. Find a routine that works for you both morning and night and schedule it into your time management. Honour this and see how things change over the space of two weeks. Setting time aside for yourself is important in achieving health goals. Why not try setting ten minutes aside every evening to meal prep these salad jars for work and tune into your energy levels for the week. You might find that your 3PM slump disappears with a nutritious lunch rather than a sugar crash. Other suggestions on routine are to try and bring in five minutes of meditation in the morning and a bit of light exercise. At night why not create a wind down routine such as switching off technology, having a hot bath, reading a book with chamomile tea and preparing for bed? Carving time out for yourself allows your body to heal.   

Salad jars are a great way to make sure you have food on the run. Being prepared is a critical part of healthy eating. You can take them with to the office, or pack them for the beach. If you’re going to be out and about where you won’t be able to find healthy meals on the go, these are perfect for you. Putting them in jars and layering the ingredients appropriately means the leaves won’t wilt and the ingredients will stay fresher than if they were placed in a Tupperware.

Serves: 1

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes



zest and juice of ½ lemon 

½ red chilli, finely chopped 

1 teaspoon honey 

1 tablespoon tahini 

3 tablespoons olive oil 



½ cup chickpeas, cooked 

½ cup quinoa, cooked 

1 handful baby spinach

¼ cup red cabbage, finely chopped 

1 tablespoon kimchi 

1 small handful fresh basil leaves, finely chopped 

2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds 

Place all the dressing ingredients into your salad jar and mix well with a fork. 

Layer the salad on top of the dressing, starting with the chickpeas and followed by the quinoa, spinach, cabbage, kimchi and basil. Finish off with the pumpkin seeds. Do not shake the jar as you don’t want to incorporate the dressing until you’re ready to eat. Seal the jar with the lid and store it in the fridge overnight. Before serving, shake the jar to combine all the ingredients. 

You can play around with different fresh combinations and get creative making lunch at work healthier and easier. 


Salad jars for on the run